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Black Silk Page 9

  “Yeah. Do I take you home or will you sleep here, with me?”

  I stepped closer to him and he brought his arms up to hold me loosely. “I said earlier that I needed to get to know you all over again. I can’t think of a better place to know you better than in bed.” I tried not to sound coy and watched his face closely as I spoke. To my wonder I caught the moment that the light of hope in his eyes changed to one of happiness. No, it was deeper than that, but I didn’t want to put a name to what I thought I saw. Not yet. Instead, I lifted my hands to the back of his neck and pulled his head down to mine. I met his lips slowly, at first applying just a gentle pressure, then licking and softly nipping at his mouth.

  A very panther-like growl was the response I got, and I felt the vibrations of it against my chest. Cole took charge of the kiss, angling his head and delving his tongue into my very willing mouth. I’m sure I moaned in protest when he stopped kissing me. Bending slightly, he put one arm behind my knees, and keeping the other around my shoulders, he scooped me up into his arms. My arms were still around his neck and I lifted my head, resting it on his shoulder. He carried me up the stairs to his room with little effort. I raised my head to look at his face. “Is strength another one of your powers?”

  “Uh-huh.” He nodded and grinned as he gently lay me on the bed, unzipped my jeans while I toed my shoes off. With one swift movement he pulled my jeans and my panties off together. I started to take off my shirt but gave up and lay back against the cushions when, without warning, he buried his head between my legs. I closed my eyes and gave myself up to the incredible sensation of his tongue on my center. The rough cat-like texture sent ripples through me with every lick. It was just seconds before I felt myself on the brink of coming and I could have cheerfully kicked Cole when he pulled away and started kissing my inner thighs.

  My heart was just starting to beat normally again when he fastened his lips around my clitoris and sucked. I made an inarticulate sound which, even to my ears, didn’t sound human. He lifted his head and grinned at me, then bent his head back down to continue his ministrations. This time he sank his tongue into my core, bringing it out to lick back up to my nub, then down and in again. He repeated this blissful torture, until he had to hold my hips down to stop me from bucking and throwing him off.

  “Please Cole, please, uh no, no more please...” I was trembling and my head felt light. I didn’t know if I was asking him to stop or to give me more.

  Cole knew what I wanted, though. He knew what I needed. He left me for a moment to remove his clothing and in one swift push, he slid inside me. There was no pain this time, only the wonderful sensation of Cole’s body over and inside mine. I moved with him, meeting him thrust for thrust until I shattered. My vision blurred and I found it hard to breathe for a moment or two. I had hardly begun breathing normally again before Cole had withdrawn from me and pulled my shirt and bra off me. He started to kiss and bite my breasts finally settling on a nipple and suckling. His fingers, meanwhile, were busy at my core, stroking, both inside and out. His mouth made my senses swim and I gripped his hair as I held his head to my breast with one hand. I reached out with my other hand trying to caress whatever I could reach; desperately wanting to touch him.

  He stopped suckling me only to move down my body, nipping the flesh wherever his mouth touched. My skin was on fire with feeling, every touch magnified a hundredfold. Finally his mouth settled on my clit again, his fingers still busy amongst my folds, dipping in and out. Without warning I came again and Cole kept his mouth on me and sucked, stretching my orgasm out to the last possible spasm.

  He didn’t wait for me to come down to Earth again before sliding back inside me. This time I hardly had the energy to meet his thrusts so I reached down and held on to his butt cheeks, pulling him in tighter with every movement. Cole made one last hard thrust and threw his head back and roared; his voice like the panther that was so much a part of him.

  When we’d both begun to breathe normally again, he turned us to our sides and remained inside me. I stroked his face and kissed him lightly making him smile.

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I Mouse?”

  “No. Not a bit.” I smiled. “But I do have a question.” I hesitated, even though we’d just made love, I found talking about this sort of thing more than a little embarrassing. “Admittedly I have limited experience, but why do you stay inside me for so long afterwards? David always pulled out straight away.”

  His face tensed. “If I ever meet that bastard, I’m going to deck him.” He stopped and took a deep breath, and when he spoke again the anger had gone from his voice. “It’s nice to hold you like this afterwards, plus, I’m a were-panther and we’re a lot like cats.”

  “Why does that make a difference?”

  “When a cat ejaculates he gets bigger and locks on to the inside of their mate. If I were to pull out immediately, I’d hurt you.”

  I digested that for a moment or two and decided that it didn’t matter what the reason was, he was right; it was nice to be held afterwards. I snuggled further into his arms and my eyelids began to feel heavy. I struggled to stay awake, but lost the fight and just as I was drifting off I felt Cole kiss my forehead and I could swear I heard him say ‘I love you.’ But maybe I was already dreaming at that point.

  Chapter Ten

  We were in Cole’s vehicle heading toward town the following morning, before I plucked up enough courage to talk about something that had been bothering me for a while.

  I’d awoken early, too early in my opinion, to find that Cole was spooned behind me, holding me tight to his body. I had been using his bicep as a pillow and I felt warm and safe. I lay there for a few minutes not wanting to move, but then I noticed a wetness between my legs and I closed my eyes as I remembered the night before. We’d left the box of condoms downstairs. I tried to wriggle out of Cole’s embrace without waking him so that I could go to the bathroom. Of course Cole slept like a cat didn’t he, one eye open and all that.

  “Where are you going?” He’d asked, his arm tightening around my middle. “It’s far too early to get up.”

  “I have to go to the bathroom,” I’d turned and kissed him. “I’ll be right back. Go back to sleep.”

  In the half-light of dawn I’d made my way to the bathroom, did the necessary and cleaned up. I was drying my hands when I’d decided that Cole and I really had to have a serious talk about birth control. I couldn’t continue playing Russian roulette despite what he’d said about his sense of smell. Back in the bedroom I stood by the bed and looked down at Cole. He’d rolled onto his back and he looked so young in his sleep. I still couldn’t believe he was almost one hundred and seventeen years old.

  I’d realized that if I got back into bed he’d wake and he might well want to make love again. Not that I was adverse to that activity, but the condoms were downstairs, and I did have to get to work today. Turning around I’d found my overnight bag by the dresser and pulled out a lightweight gown I’d packed. I put it on and tied the belt around my waist as I walked down the stairs. In the kitchen I’d set about making coffee and getting breakfast. Once Cole came downstairs we sat and had breakfast together. It felt so good that I hadn’t wanted to spoil things by bringing up the subject of contraception.

  And that was why I was sitting in the passenger seat of Cole’s vehicle now, trying to think of a way to open the conversation, while Cole drove me to the shop. Perhaps the only way was to come straight out and say it.

  “We forgot something last night... again.”

  Cole didn’t even pretend to misunderstand me. “I was wondering when you’d bring that up.” He glanced at me briefly and I pointed at the windshield. He returned his attention to the road ahead before continuing. “We didn’t forget anything. I purposely left the box downstairs. Trust me you’re not pregnant and you can’t get pregnant at this point.”

  “I do trust you, with my life, but not with this.” I was frustrated with his obstinacy and my irritation was beginni
ng to show in my tone. “Conception, or rather contraception, can’t be left to chance or even your supposedly superior sense of smell.”

  He sighed. “Vic, it’s a moot point anyway.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean? That it’s too late, the damage is done?” I was good and pissed at him.

  “You’ll see,” was his enigmatic reply.

  I sat in the car and quietly fumed for the rest of the journey. As soon as he pulled to a stop near my store, I grabbed my purse and my overnight bag, and got out of the car without even saying ‘bye.’ The noise the door of the vehicle made, when I slammed it, was immensely satisfying.

  I unlocked and entered the shop but locked the door again behind me. It was still early and I needed to make a pit stop before I opened up. A few minutes later I walked back into the sales area and I was even angrier with Cole. He’d been right damn him. I didn’t know whether to be relieved that I was most definitely not pregnant, or pissed because Cole knew my cycle better than I did.

  With a sigh I started getting my store ready for business.

  Mondays were always busy; people finished their books over the weekend and came in to exchange them on Monday. Today was much busier than usual and I noticed that my customers, who were mostly women, were taking more time than usual to choose their books. The shop always seemed to have someone in it, which was gratifying but trying. The small mystery was cleared up when Mrs. Weston came in around eleven.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Weston. How are you today?”

  “I’m very well, Victoria. But you, I have to say, are looking a little tired. I hope you had a good weekend?” She raised an eyebrow and gave me an arched look. She was fishing, that much was obvious. Had the gossip mongers been busy about Cole and me? Someone from the restaurant on Saturday night must have been talking.

  “Yes, thank you I had a lovely weekend.”

  Mrs. Weston put her returns on the counter. “I have to thank you for recommending these books, my dear. They were very, um, stimulating.”

  “Perhaps I should have warned you that some of them were a little, er, warm.” I smiled apologetically at her.

  There were other women in the store and I knew that our conversation was being listened to intently, so I wasn’t surprised at Mrs. Weston’s next question.

  “I heard you had dinner at La Cucina with that Mr. Colburn on Saturday night. He bought the old Wicks’ place didn’t he? What’s he like?” She leaned forward in her eagerness to hear my answer, and the other women in the shop gravitated to the shelves closer to the counter.

  I put a pleasant smile on my face and resigned myself to being interrogated. “Yes, he bought the old homestead. And he’s very nice.”

  “Nice? Susan Clifton sold a microwave and a refrigerator to him at her father’s store on Saturday and she said that he is drop dead gorgeous.”

  “I have to agree with Susan, he is very handsome.” Well, that was the truth and didn’t give anything away.

  Mrs. Monroe, who had been browsing in the historical romance section, gave up all pretense of not listening and came over to the counter. “Marge Sorenson saw you and him picking up supplies together at WalMart yesterday.” Her tone told me exactly what ‘supplies’ Marge Sorenson had seen and I failed to stop the heat from rising in my cheeks at the implication of her statement.

  “Um, yes, I spent the day with him out at the homestead. He’s renovating and it’s a real mess.” I frantically tried to think of something to change the subject. Then, suddenly, inspiration came to me. “Have either of you ladies heard if they caught the robber from the gas station yet?”

  “Deputy Garvin told my Jonathan that he thought the varmint had skedaddled over the state line.” Mrs. Monroe’s son had been in my class, and now tended bar at Donovan’s, one of four bars in town.

  “I hope he has, we don’t need scum like that around here.” Mrs. Weston was indignant that someone had had the audacity to try and commit a crime in her town. With her comment hanging in the air, she and Mrs. Monroe drifted over to the paranormal shelves at the back of the shop.

  I watched them as they browsed the shelves and thought about how my life had become the stuff of paranormal fiction. Two days ago I thought weres and shape shifters were just figments of the imagination of some very talented authors. Now I was living in just such a story that had become real. Perhaps I’d wake up tomorrow to find all this had been a dream. One brought on by the fright I’d had at the gas station the previous week. Surreptitiously I pinched the skin on my forearm. Ouch. Nope, not a dream, I was awake all right.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when Mrs. Weston and Mrs. Monroe left the shop with their new books. Gradually, now that the gossip had been aired and confirmed, the other three women in the store left with their choices as well. Finally I had a few minutes to myself. I knew I shouldn’t complain about being busy, after all the store was my only means of income, but I really needed some downtime.

  Sitting in my chair behind the counter I propped my chin on my hands and thought about Cole. He’d trusted me with his secret, basically that meant he trusted me with his life. I could easily report him to the authorities. Oh yeah Vic? I scoffed at myself. I could imagine what they would say. And there’d be a nice padded cell for me if I tried. Okay, so I was going to keep his secret. The question that begged to be asked was - why? Why did he trust me with such a gigantic secret? Because he thought we had a future together? My stomach churned at the thought.

  I took a long hard look at my feelings for Cole. Yes, I cared for him. More than I should after only four and half days. I couldn’t believe I’d actually slept with him so quickly. Was I so starved for affection, for sex, that I would jump into bed with the first man who paid me any attention? Or was it something more than that? Was it fate?

  A future meant marriage, kids and all that went with that. With an ordinary man I might consider it, but with Cole it would mean complication after complication. Could I handle that? More to the point, did I want to handle that?

  He wasn’t exactly human was he? But then, apparently, neither was I.

  I’d run out of time to think when my lunch-time customers started to filter into the store.

  It was just before five when it was quiet again for any length of time. I was sitting, musing over Cole again, when the phone rang making me start with surprise.

  “Good afternoon, Hudson’s Books.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line. “Hello? Is anyone there?”

  “If you don’t retract your statement, you’ll be sorry!” The voice was deep and kind of scratchy.

  “Who is this? What do you want?”

  “Tell the police you made a mistake and you can’t identify me or bad things are going to start happening.”

  “Kincaid?” But he’d hung up.

  I was shaking so much I couldn’t figure out how to turn off the phone. Once I’d calmed down a bit, I picked the phone up again and pulled out my address book from my purse. I found the number I wanted and dialed.

  The phone number I’d called started to ring and finally he answered. I didn’t even wait for him to say hello before I launched into speech. “Cole? He called me.”

  “Who called you?”

  “Kincaid. He called me here at the shop.” My hysteria was rising again, I could feel my heart starting to speed up and there were tears in my eyes.

  My heart raced even more when I heard the door to the back room open. I almost fainted until I saw the tall figure take the phone away from his ear and hold out his arms. I didn’t need an engraved invitation. I ran out from behind the counter and almost fell into his arms. To my horror I started sobbing. Cole held me tenderly, stroking my hair until the storm subsided.

  “Tell me what he said, Mouse.” His voice was low and calm, and I could feel myself starting to relax.

  “He... he said something about I should say I’d made a mistake or bad things would happen.”

  “Mistake? About being able to
identify him?”

  “I guess. He said I should retract my statement and tell the police that I’d made a mistake and that I really couldn’t recognize him after all or bad things would happen.” Tears were starting to pool in my eyes and I blinked rapidly trying to push them back. I failed; one or two fell.

  Cole led me to the back room and sat me down in the chair. “I’ll be right back, stay here.”

  “Where..?” But he’d already gone through the door, closing it behind him. A minute later he was back. “Where’d you go?”

  “Just to lock the front door and put the ‘Closed’ sign up.” He crouched down in front of me. “I don’t want to get all high-handed but I really think you’ve had enough for one day, don’t you?”

  I nodded. “I’m sorry I made such a scene. But he really scared me.”

  “Come on, I’ll help you close up, we’ll stop by the night safe on the way to your house.”

  “Cole. My house!” I grabbed his arm and stopped him before we got back to the counter. “He knows where I live. He was there.”

  He put his arm around my shoulders and moved me gently toward the cash register. “That’s good; maybe we can use that to our advantage. If I move in with you for the time being, I’ll be able to protect you and maybe we can scare him off again.” He pulled me in closer and kissed my cheek. “Get the money and let’s go home.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Once again I found myself sitting in Cole’s vehicle wondering how to say what I wanted to say. This time, however, I had far more serious things to worry about than birth control.

  Whoever said ‘love means never having to say you’re sorry’ didn’t know crap about relationships. I needed to apologize or it would eat me up inside. “Cole, about this morning. You were right, and I’m sorry I got mad at you. And I apologize for making a scene earlier in the shop. I guess my hormones got the better of me.”

  He reached over and caught my left hand and lifted it to his lips. “You found out you’re not pregnant.” He kept hold of my hand holding it on his thigh.